Rtt and defmt

Joe Neeman November 04, 2023

In the first post, we printed a "Hello world" message to our computer using the esp_println::println! macro. But there's another (better? I'm not sure. But at least, different and therefore worth trying) way to make code running on our esp32c3 show up on our screen.

The Real Time Transfer (RTT) protocol is a simple method of transferring data from an embedded device to the host system. It works by sort of not transferring data at all: it just writes buffers in the embedded device's memory. So then how does that data make it to the host? Well, the host connects to the device using a debug probe that's capable of reading to and writing from the device's memory. As the embedded device is writing its data to memory, the debug probe is reading it out to the host and then modifying the device's memory to tell it that the data's been read.

The advantage of this is that the data transfer code on the device is simple, fast, and small: just write a few bytes to memory.

There are several device-side implementations of RTT in rust. defmt-rtt and rtt-target appear to be two of the more popular options, but the esp_println crate we were using before also has support for RTT as long as you set its features correctly.


There are a few options for RTT on the device side, but on the host side the only implementation I could find was the one in the probe-rs family of tools. When I first started writing this post a couple of months ago, the released version of probe-rs didn't work out-of-the-box with the binaries that esp-hal produces by default. (The esp32c3 supports two different binary formats; details here. The latest release -- 0.21.1 as of me writing this -- of probe-rs works, though, as long as you pass the --format idf argument: here we can run one of the led-blinking examples from the previous post.

❯ probe-rs run --chip esp32c3 --format idf target/riscv32imc-unknown-none-elf/debug/rmt
DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::riscv: Before requesting halt, the Dmcontrol register value was: Dmcontrol { .0: 1, hartreset: false, hasel: false, hartsello: 0, hartselhi: 0, ndmreset: false, dmactive: true }
     Erasing sectors ⠁ [00:00:00] [##################################################################]      0 B/     0 B @      0 B/s (eta 0s )
 Programming pages   ⠁ [00:00:00] [##################################################################]      0 B/     0 B @      0 B/s (eta 0s )DEBUG probe_rs::architecture::riscv: Before requesting halt, the Dmcontrol register value was: Dmcontrol { .0: 1, hartreset: false, hasel: fals     Erasing sectors ✔ [00:00:01] [#############################################################] 116.00 KiB/116.00 KiB @ 58.25 KiB/s (eta 0s )
 Programming pages   ✔ [00:00:04] [#############################################################] 112.00 KiB/112.00 KiB @ 26.82 KiB/s (eta 0s )    Finished in 6.181s
ERROR probe_rs::cmd::run: Failed to enable_vector_catch: NotImplemented("vector catch")

Despite the scary-looking error message, it does run and blink the LED. (Regarding the spurious debug messages, I'll spare you the account of my late-night debugging and just link to the tracing_subscriber issue report that came out of it.)

RTT on the device using esp-println

Since we've been using the esp-println crate already, the easiest way to get RTT working on the device is just to twiddle some features: remove the default uart feature from esp-println and replace it with the rtt feature (and if using esp-backtrace, remove its print-uart feature and replace it with print-rtt). There's a full runnable example, complete with .cargo/config.toml and everything, here.

RTT on the device using defmt

One of the exciting parts about using RTT is that it unlocks using [defmt] (https://defmt.ferrous-systems.com/), the "deferred" formatting system that makes formatting small and fast by doing the formatting on the host instead of the device: when you run println!("{}, ah ha ha", x) using, say, esp-println, it compiles down to code that formats the integer x, builds the string with that formatting in it, and sends that string back to the host somehow. When you run the same code using defmt::println!, it sends back the integer x without formatting it, and all the formatting and string concatenation is done on the host. This removes the formatting code from the embedded device, and it also reduces the amount of data that has to go from the device to the host.

So let's give it a try! We need to add in the defmt linker script in .cargo/config.toml

# ...
  rustflags = [
     "-C", "link-arg=-Tdefmt.x",
     # ... whatever was in rustflags before

Then we need to open our Cargo.toml and replace the esp-println dependency by defmt, as they can't really coexist. More precisely, we can't use defmt with rtt support at the same time as we use esp-println with rtt support (the binary will fail to link, as both crates expect to own the rtt block of memory). We can use defmt with rtt support and esp-println with some other method of printing. But then we can only see one of the two outputs -- as far as I could tell, there's nothing on the host end that will print them both.

We also need to remove esp-backtrace, since it only supports printing things using esp-println. This also means we'll have to add our own backtrace implementation. Fortunately, it isn't too difficult to just copy one of the implementations out there. The full runnable example is here.

Gripes with probe-rs

It's great that probe-rs and defmt support the esp32c3 with minimal setup pain, but I did have a couple of gripes that will keep me using espflash for now:

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